Why I Love SMHA Hockey


Let us know what we're doing right!

2017 will have many exciting SMHA games, practices, activities and we will be celebrating Canada's 150th anniversary!

To start 2017 off with some fun, SMHA would like to know what you love about SMHA Hockey! We would like to hear from SMHA players, coaches, bench staff, volunteers and parents!

Between January 1st and March 31st, every 2nd Friday, SMHA will announce a winning entry* that will go up on our website http://stittsvilleminorhockey.com and Twitter account @SMHARAMS

Our first winning entry will be announced January 13th so please tell us in 50 words or less why you Love SMHA Hockey! Fun prizes for all the winners!

Please click the link  - Why I Love SMHA Hockey

Thank you & Happy 2017!

*Open to all the 2016-17 season's registered players and parents - all levels and divisions.