More Winners


We have some winners!!

Congratulations to Christina, Talan, Dave and Lisa! Thank you for letting us know how we are doing.

Christina Danby's son Dylan is on the Novice B4 Hawks. From Christina:
"My son has been playing for two years and it's been an amazing experience. The dedication of the coaches, assistants and volunteers is very admirable. SMHA Hockey has a close knit family feel with folks who go above and beyond for the kids. We love it!"                                           

Talan is on the IP Wolverines. From Talan:

"I love hockey because I make new friends and I get to score goals!"           

Dave Lee is a volunteer with SMHA and has 2 players in SMHA -  Hudson is on Novice C3 Wolverines and Elliott is on the IP Blue Dragons. From Dave:

"I love the sense of community. I go to the rink and see friends, family and neighbors all enjoying the game we love. SMHA brings us together and gives us the feeling of civic pride we can all share."

Lisa Barry's son Cameron is on the Pee Wee B1 Wranglers. From Lisa:

"Quite simply outstanding to have such dedicated volunteers come together to work with parents and their kids to develop a team where each child is valued, taught new skills in hockey but not only hockey as a sport, but life lessons and memories that many will take away positively for the rest of their lives... Both kids and parents... Thank you so much for all that you do."