Ottawa Back to Red - Impact on Hockey Operations


OPH and Ontario Public Health move Ottawa back into Red.

Hi SMHA Families, 
In light of recent announcements outlined by the province, Ottawa will be returning to RED as of 12:01am on Friday morning.
It's truly unfortunate that our program will be disrupted yet again, but we are working to continue under these new guidelines as best as we can.
We understand what we will be able to continue operating but under tougher guidelines, meaning that only a max of 10 will be allowed on the ice.
We have been in touch with the city to further understand limits for spectators, Coaches, and the number of Bench staff that can participate in a practice.
More information will be coming from your Converonors as we moved into the weekend. Please standby for more details.
I'd like to personally THANK all of YOU - Parents, Volunteers & Players for your efforts in participating & staying with SMHA.!!!
It's been a tough year. And yet though all of the obstacles put in front of us, we still managed to safely get our FAMILIES out on the ice.
We will continue right to the end.....or until Doug Ford shows up at JLA..!!!!!
Thanks everyone..!!
Stay Safe & Healthy.
Scott Phelan
President - Stittsville Minor Hockey (SMHA)