Proposed Constitutional Amendments


Proposed Constitutional Amendments for the upcoming AGM.

Here are the Proposed Constitutional Amendments submitted by members for the AGM.

The following constitution changes are being proposed:
Proposed Amendment 1 – Add as Article 4.1.9 Organization 
The SMHA shall not use a non-blind draft to form teams.  
Proposed Amendment 2 – Add as Article 4.1.10 Organization 
The SMHA shall establish a Tryout/Sortout Evaluation Policy to ensure that try-outs and sort-outs are transparent and fair.  Parents of children involved in a try-out/sort-out process are not permitted to be involved in any part of the process including the selection of evaluators, evaluation of players, running on-ice evaluations, ranking of players and, for competitive teams, the selection of players. An exception is allowed for situations when a parent is the Head Coach of a competitive team. 
Proposed Amendment 3 – Add as Article 4.1.11 Organization  
The SMHA shall establish a Head Coach Selection Policy to describe the criteria for selecting Head Coaches and to define the composition of the Coach Selection Committee. 
Proposed Amendment 4 – Amend Article 3.3.1 General Members (voting)
Current Wording:
3.3.1 General Members who are parents or guardians or those who have reached the age of majority as defined by the Province of Ontario and who reside within the SMHA boundaries (ANNEX A) and who have paid their registration fees, or parents or guardians or those who have reached the age of majority as defined by the Province of Ontario and who have transferred into SMHA and have paid their registration fees.
Proposed Wording:
3.3.1 General Members are defined as, the registered participant who has reached the age of majority as defined by the Province of Ontario, and who resides within the SMHA boundaries (ANNEX A), and who have paid their registration fees.  Where the participant has not reached the age of majority in Ontario, a parent or guardian of the participant is considered as the general member.
Proposed Amendment 5 – Amend Article 3.3.2 General Members (voting)
Current Wording:
3.3.2 General members shall be entitled to one vote at Annual and General Meetings.
Proposed Wording:
        3.3.2 General members are entitled to one vote per registered member at Annual and General Meetings.  E.g.  One vote may be cast in each election for each registered participant.  A parent or guardian representative may vote once for each registered participant in which they represent.   One player = one vote, two players = two votes etc.