Inclement Weather Procedure


Inclement Weather Procedure

This is a reminder to LCMHL Coaches and Managers on the procedures of requesting a reschedule of a game due to inclement weather. This is a FIRM reminder that teams cannot cancel games until they speak with their League Statisticians.
Team officials (coaches or managers) must contact their LCMHL statistician who has the authority to postpone games due to weather conditions.
  • It is a common practice to wait up until four (4) hours to game time to make the decision. Weather conditions can sometime change for the better.
  • If the statistician cannot be reached, team officials must contact the League President, or Vice President or the Treasurer or Secretary who also have the authority to postpone games.
  • The opposing team must be notified by the team official requesting cancellation due to inclement weather.
  • The team official will then contact the Referee Scheduler of their Association to advise the officials that the game has been postponed and will be re-scheduled.
  • At no time may a team postpone a game on its own. If this is done the team will be subject to a fine or suspension.
  • LCMHL in most cases bases its decision on road reports provision by Ministry of Transportation and the updates from local police authorities (OPP, Ottawa Police)