
Hello Parents! Firstly, I would like to thank everyone so much for all your help and support this past week with getting things set up and organized.

Hello Parents!

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone so much for all your help and support this past week with getting things set up and organized.

I think we are doing very well as some teams do not yet have a manager. :)

Now... Down to business... I know this update is long but PLEASE read it carefully as we NEED YOUR HELP!!!  :)

1. I have updated the website. You will now find the Team Roster and updated schedule with known Practice dates, Tourney dates, and payment fee due dates.

Please ensure you add this link to your favourites and check it regularly.

2. Joann Birmingham is in the process of have Contact Cards Printed... These should arrive around Sept 30th. The Contact Cards do not include email addresses so please find attached a soft copy of the Concact Info List.

3. Erin Dowle is in the process of organizing / ordering Name Bars for the team. Please ensure you get back to Erin ASAP to confirm spellings of last names as our first tourney is Oct 10.

4. Coaches please ensure you have all your mandatory training done ASAP (e.g. Respect in Sport) and provide me with your certification number once complete. Note: if you already have Speak Out certification then you do not have to take the Respect in Sport as it is equivalent... I just need your Speak Out Certification Number.

5. The team requires a Treasurer and I am looking for a volunteer for this role. I have attached the Budget Template you will be required to maintain... It looks to be quite straight forward. If you are interested please send me an email by end of week as we need to get moving on this. Note: For the volunteer taking on this role, the budget template can be modified to suit your needs... budgets must be provided 3x/year to parents and Director/Finance: October, December, and March-April (upon completion of your season)..... Thanks! :)

6. Erin Dowle has kindly accepted to be the 2nd signature for our Team bank account so Erin and I will be opening an account this week.

7. PASSPORTS - to my knowledge, everyone requires passports to cross the boarder so please ensure your player and traveling parent(s) / sibling(s) have valid passports. Note: there in a minimum processing time of 10 business days if submit application in person at a passport office and 20 business days if you submit by mail so this needs needs to be done ASAP. I have provided the URL for your convenience:  http://www.passport.gc.ca/info/

8. As you saw from Heather and Jay Lachine's email, they are host 2 Parent Ice Breaker gatherings at there house on Sep 27 and Oct 4. Hopefully you can make at least one, if not both! :) This is a great way to get to know each other! :)

9. I have received the Tournament Roster templates and the travel permit forms that need to be filled out. I will complete this and if I need help I will let you know.

10. Friendly Reminder to bring your money for Karen Fischer who kindly organized the RAMs outfits. Thanks Karen! :)

11. Ryan Bond will be organizing the Pool fundraiser... This will be a fun fundraiser that's for sure! Thanks Ryan... and let me know if you need anything.

12. As Dean mentioned, the Nov 8 RAMS Day is great for fundraising. I am looking for a volunteer to organize and run this fundraiser. Please let me know if you are interested in being that person! :)

13. SPONSORSHIP FORMs - I really need a volunteer or two to complete this task as Coach Dean and I are extremely busy setting things up in time for us to be ready for our Oct 10 tourney. PLEASE let me know ASAP if you are interested. Thanks! :)

14. Heather & Jay Lachine... Since you were so organized in organizing / poling for the Ice Breaker Party, would you mind taking the lead in poling the team to find out which tournament they prefer to attend: Metcalfe Dec 5-7 or Bell Cup Dec 28 - Jan 1? This needs to be done asap as we need to register before they fill up. Let me know... Thanks! :-)
15. I will be attending the Manager's meeting this Thursday and will send out emails following the meeting if/when I need help with anything else.


We have a FANTASTIC group of boys and parents so I foresee a GREAT season ahead of us!!! :)))))
If you ever need anything please so not hesitate to contact me by email, text, or phone.
I look forward to please contacting me to volunteer!!! :-)
Thanks again Everyone!

Terra Weatherbie

(Note: For all attachments see email sent from Terra Weatherbie on Sep 23, 2014)