2023-2024 - U13 Conditioning sessions 2 and 3

Hi Everyone,
Just a reminder about our second and third U13 House Conditioning sessions of the 2023/24 season.  The details are listed below.  Please take note of the name group changes.  Please pay attention to these name groupings and session times as they will be different each time.  These sessions are open to all registered U13 SMHA house players along with those that will be trying out for the RAMS Competitive teams. A couple of things will help to  make this process run smoothly:
1.  Arrive for the PROPER hour based on your player's last name, and arrive early enough to give your player sufficient time to get their gear on.
2.  Please make sure you check your player in at the check-in table.
The SMHA website contains a plethora of information.  The Divisional Info tab will lead you to the U13 News.  Here you will find copies of any emails that I send out to you.  It is sometimes a quicker means of finding information.  I've heard from some folks that they are not receiving emails.  99% of the time, the email was in their junk/spam folder.  If you hear from any friends that they're not receiving my emails, please have them contact me.  The link for Divisional Info is below: